切割平面对于解决混合企业线性问题(MILP)至关重要,因为它们促进了最佳解决方案值的界限。为了选择切割,现代求解器依靠手动设计的启发式方法来评估切割的潜在有效性。我们表明,一项贪婪的选择规则明确地寻求选择的剪裁,从而产生最佳的界限可以为切割选择提供强大的决策 - 但太贵了,无法在实践中部署。作为回应,我们提出了一种新的神经体系结构(神经曲),以模仿LookAhead专家。我们的模型优于标准基准,用于在几个合成的MILP基准上进行切割选择。使用B&C求解器进行神经网络验证的实验进一步验证了我们的方法,并在这种情况下展示了学习方法的潜力。
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监督学习可以改善最先进的求解器的组合问题的设计,但是由于指数性最差的复杂性,标记大量组合实例通常是不切实际的。受图像的对比预训练的最新成功的启发,我们对增强设计对布尔满意度问题的对比预训练的影响进行了科学研究。虽然典型的图形对比前训练使用了标签 - 敏捷的增强,但我们的主要见解是,许多组合问题都有良好的态度,这允许设计具有标签的增强功能。我们发现,保留标签的增强对于对比度预训练的成功至关重要。我们表明,我们的表示形式能够达到与完全监督学习的可比测试准确性,而仅使用1%的标签。我们还证明,我们的表示形式更容易转移到看不见的域中的更大问题。我们的代码可在https://github.com/h4duan/contrastive-sat上找到。
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为了在结构因果模型(SCM)中执行反事实推理,需要了解因果机制,它提供条件分布的因子,并将噪声映射到样本的确定性函数。遗憾的是,因象无法通过观察和与世界互动收集的数据唯一确定的因果机制,因此仍然存在如何选择因果机制的问题。最近的工作中,Oberst&Sontag(2019)提出了Gumbel-Max SCM,它由于直观上吸引的反事实稳定性而导致Gumbel-Max Reparameterizations作为因果机制。在这项工作中,我们认为选择在估算反事实治疗效果时最小化的定量标准的因果机制,例如最小化方差。我们提出了一个参数化的因果机制,概括了Gumbel-Max。我们表明他们可以接受培训,以最大限度地减少对感兴趣查询的分布的反事实效果方差和其他损失,从而产生比固定替代方案的反复治疗效果的较低方差估计,也推广到在培训时间未见的查询。
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The reparameterization trick enables optimizing large scale stochastic computation graphs via gradient descent. The essence of the trick is to refactor each stochastic node into a differentiable function of its parameters and a random variable with fixed distribution. After refactoring, the gradients of the loss propagated by the chain rule through the graph are low variance unbiased estimators of the gradients of the expected loss. While many continuous random variables have such reparameterizations, discrete random variables lack useful reparameterizations due to the discontinuous nature of discrete states. In this work we introduce CONCRETE random variables-CONtinuous relaxations of disCRETE random variables. The Concrete distribution is a new family of distributions with closed form densities and a simple reparameterization. Whenever a discrete stochastic node of a computation graph can be refactored into a one-hot bit representation that is treated continuously, Concrete stochastic nodes can be used with automatic differentiation to produce low-variance biased gradients of objectives (including objectives that depend on the log-probability of latent stochastic nodes) on the corresponding discrete graph. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Concrete relaxations on density estimation and structured prediction tasks using neural networks.
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Story generation and understanding -- as with all NLG/NLU tasks -- has seen a surge in neurosymbolic work. Researchers have recognized that, while large language models (LLMs) have tremendous utility, they can be augmented with symbolic means to be even better and to make up for any flaws that the neural networks might have. However, symbolic methods are extremely costly in terms of the amount of time and expertise needed to create them. In this work, we capitalize on state-of-the-art Code-LLMs, such as Codex, to bootstrap the use of symbolic methods for tracking the state of stories and aiding in story understanding. We show that our CoRRPUS system and abstracted prompting procedures can beat current state-of-the-art structured LLM techniques on pre-existing story understanding tasks (bAbI task 2 and Re^3) with minimal hand engineering. We hope that this work can help highlight the importance of symbolic representations and specialized prompting for LLMs as these models require some guidance for performing reasoning tasks properly.
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Since early in the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, there has been interest in using artificial intelligence methods to predict COVID-19 infection status based on vocal audio signals, for example cough recordings. However, existing studies have limitations in terms of data collection and of the assessment of the performances of the proposed predictive models. This paper rigorously assesses state-of-the-art machine learning techniques used to predict COVID-19 infection status based on vocal audio signals, using a dataset collected by the UK Health Security Agency. This dataset includes acoustic recordings and extensive study participant meta-data. We provide guidelines on testing the performance of methods to classify COVID-19 infection status based on acoustic features and we discuss how these can be extended more generally to the development and assessment of predictive methods based on public health datasets.
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